Diving in Gozo & Malta

Around the islands of Gozo, Malta and Comino the Mediterranean sea is at its richest, with abundant marine life, dramatic underwater scenery, caves, chimneys, arches, tunnels, reefs, breath taking drop offs and excellent visibility often in excess of 40 metres. We enjoy a six month long busy season with warm waters as late as November. It is no secret that most of Malta’s best recreational dive sites are found scattered around the coast of Gozo and our dive sites are suitable for all levels of divers. Those who have never dived before can enjoy a ‘first time’ experience or follow a diving course in one of Gozo’s many sheltered bays like Xlendi, Xwejni or Mgarr ix-Xini.

Divers who have completed a first introductory course and are not very experienced can enjoy diving on several of Gozo, and Comino’s best dive sites such as the world famous Blue Hole at Dwejra, the spectacular Cathedral Cave at Ghasri and the famous Comino Caves or the P31 wreck, both near Comino. Gozo, with its numerous deeper dive sites, sheer drop offs and cave riddled coast is also a haven for more experienced, more highly qualified and technical divers. Some of these spectacular sites are the Double Arch, the Inland Sea and Billinghurst Cave.

Many of the 50 or so dive sites around Gozo, Comino and Malta are accessible from the shore but several others beneath the high cliffs and around the islands of Comino and Malta can only be accessed by means of a boat.

All Dive Sites

The North Coast

The South-east Coast

  • All
  • Beginners
  • Shore
  • 🤿 Easy Dive
  • 🤿🤿 Advanced Dive

The South-west Coast

  • All
  • Beginners
  • Boat
  • Shore
  • 🤿 Easy Dive
  • 🤿🤿 Advanced Dive

The West Coast

  • All
  • Boat
  • Shore
  • 🤿 Easy Dive
  • 🤿🤿 Advanced Dive

Divining at Comino

Diving at Malta


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