2 Days



Night & Limited Vizibility

Price: € 350

Learn Low Visibility Diving in Malta

Malta and Gozo are the perfect locations to take this course, as the surrounding waters offer a variety of dive sites that are best explored during the night or in limited visibility conditions. These dive sites include wrecks, caves, and reefs that take on a completely different character when illuminated by dive lights.

The Night & Limited Visibility Diver course covers a range of skills that are essential for diving in low light conditions. The course begins with an introduction to the equipment and techniques used for night diving, including dive lights, markers, and communication devices.

Why choose Gozo for the Night & Limited Visibility Diver?

The course then moves on to cover the different types of low light and limited visibility conditions that divers may encounter, including night diving, cave diving, and wreck diving. During this portion of the course, divers learn about the unique challenges posed by each of these environments and how to safely navigate them.

The Night & Limited Visibility Diver course also covers important safety procedures that are specific to diving in low light conditions. This includes how to safely enter and exit the water in the dark, how to maintain contact with your dive buddy, and how to communicate effectively using hand signals and other methods.

RAID Night & Limited Visibility Diver

One of the highlights of the Night & Limited Visibility Diver course is the opportunity to explore the underwater world at night. During the course, students will complete at least three open water dives, each of which takes place after sunset. This provides divers with a unique perspective on the underwater environment, as many species of marine life are more active at night. In addition to safety procedures, the course also covers advanced diving techniques that are essential for diving in low light conditions. This includes advanced buoyancy control, navigation skills, and emergency procedures.

Malta and Gozo offer some of the best night diving opportunities in the world. The clear, calm waters and diverse marine life make for an unforgettable diving experience. Popular night dive sites in Malta and Gozo include the Santa Maria Caves, the MV Karwela Wreck, and the Blue Hole.

Completing the Night & Limited Visibility Diver course in Malta and Gozo is an unforgettable experience. The course provides divers with the skills and knowledge needed to safely explore the underwater world in low light conditions. The stunning dive sites, diverse marine life, and experienced instructors make Malta and Gozo the perfect location to take this course.


The study portion of the RAID Night & Limited Visibility Diver course course is completed online before you join us for your course here in Malta.


The inwater skills dives are completed in sheltered areas to allow you to build skills introduced by your instructor in small steps.


Once you can repeat the skills in a relaxed way, your instructor will take you diving and complete the certifiying dives!

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