4 Days



JJ CCR Deco Rebreather Diver

Price: €950

Rebreather Deco Diving in Malta

Rebreathers are advanced diving devices that recycle exhaled air by removing carbon dioxide and adding back oxygen and other gases to maintain an optimal breathing mix. This allows divers to stay underwater for longer periods of time, conserve gas, and reduce their decompression obligations compared to traditional open-circuit scuba diving.

The depth limits for the RAID Decompression Rebreather Diver program are set at forty meters when using air diluent, which is the gas mixture that is breathed in and out by the diver, and forty-five meters when using Trimix diluent. Trimix is a blend of three gases (helium, nitrogen, and oxygen) that is used for deeper dives to reduce the risk of nitrogen narcosis, a condition that can impair judgment and lead to serious accidents.




Gozo has a range of dive sites with diverse topography, including walls, caverns, and wrecks, which provide a variety of depth ranges and environments for deco diving. The RAID Decompression Rebreather Diver program includes a deco obligation of ten minutes for dives associated with this level. Proper decompression procedures are critical for safe diving at greater depths. The water conditions in Gozo are generally favorable for deco diving, with good visibility, calm seas, and mild water temperatures. These conditions help to reduce the stress on divers during their decompression stops and allow them to concentrate on the procedures.

RAID Deco Rebreather Diver Course

Exploring the underwater world with a rebreather offers numerous benefits. It provides extended range in terms of depth and time, which appeals to serious explorers. In addition, rebreathers deliver warm, moist breathing gas to the user, making it a preferred choice for divers in chilly water and long dives. The quiet operation of rebreathers also allows videographers and photographers to get up close and personal with marine life. Moreover, diving with a rebreather is a cutting-edge experience that appeals to many. No matter what motivates you, The RAID Way™ is the optimal approach to rebreather diving.

To get started on this program you must:

  • Divers must be a minimum of 18 years old.

  • Be certified as aRAIDDeco 40 diver or equivalent.

  • Have logged 30 open water dives with at least 25 hours underwater using open circuit scuba.

  • At least five of those logged dives must have been to 30 meters.

  • Graduates fromRAID’s Sport Rebreather Diver can upgrade to this program once they have logged 20 hours or more on CCR.

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