5 Days




Price: € 750

Who this course is for:

  • The certified Advanced Diver or Intro to Tech Diver looking to expand their knowledge of decompression theory and diving techniques using helitrox
  • The certified Advanced Diver or Intro to Tech Diver who is interested in extending their bottom time
  • The certified Advanced Diver or Intro to Tech Diver who has interest in moving forward with technical diving education

Course prerequisites:

  • Minimum age 18
  • Minimum certification of SDI Advanced Diver (with Deep specialty) or TDI Intro to Tech Diver, or equivalent
  • Certified as TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver (unless being taught concurrently)
  • Proof of 50 logged dives

What you can expect to learn:

  • Decompression dive planning including:
    • Gas requirements
      • Oxygen limitations
      • Nitrogen limitations
      • Helium limitations
    • Decompression gas choices
    • Tables vs. personal dive computers
    • Emergency and contingency planning (equipment failure, omitted decompression, etc.)
  • Helium as a breathing gas
    • Effects on narcosis
    • Effects on respiration
    • Effects as an insulator
    • Counter diffusion
    • HPNS
  • Decompression diving procedures
    • Equipment selection
    • Pre-dive checks and drills
    • Stress analysis and mitigation
    • Following a decompression schedule
    • Gas switching
    • Team awareness and communication
    • SMB/lift bag deployment
  • Proper trim, buoyancy and propulsion techniques
  • Emergency procedures (equipment failures, catastrophic gas loss, omitted decompression, navigational errors, etc.)
  • Equipment considerations, cylinder labeling, analyzing nitrox mixtures, and gas blending procedures

What’s in it for you?

  • Ability to conduct decompression diving activities without direct supervision utilizing helium and/or nitrox mixtures provided:
    • The diving activities approximate those of training
    • The areas of activities approximate those of training
    • Environmental conditions approximate those of training
    • Breathing mixtures do not contain more than 35% helium or less than 21% oxygen
  • Ability to enroll in TDI Extended Range, TDI Advanced Wreck, TDI Trimix courses

TDI Helitrox Diver minimum requirements:

  • Satisfactorily complete the TDI Helitrox Diver Course written examination with a passing score of 80% followed by 100% remediation by the instructor
  • Complete all open water requirements safely and efficiently
  • Demonstrate mature, sound judgment concerning dive planning and execution

Thank you for contacting us.

One of our Staff will get back to you as soon as possible.